
 Now a days, especially in covid period lost of people lost their earning sources due to which they have to suffer from lack of food which results in malnutrition in them especially in children. According to WHO (World Health Organization), 45% of child death is associated with undernutrition that is malnutrition.

What Is Malnutrition?

 Malnutrition refers to deficiency or excessive nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization. The double effect of malnutrition is consists of undernutrition, overweight, obesity etc., as well as diet related diseases which are noncommunicable. 

Mainly children, woman, infants and senior citizens are suffered from malnutrition.

Forms Of Malnutrition

Malnutrition or undernutrition manifests in four forms: wasting, stunting, underweight and micronutrient deficiency

Wasting: It is defined as low weight for height. It occurs due to low quality and quantity of nutrients provided or prolonged illness. Wasting in children may turn in death if not treated properly. Out of total 45 millions of children are too thin for their height that is wasted.

Stunting: It is defined as low height for age. It is a result of undernutrition, chronic or recurrent illness, bad maternal health and nutrition, inappropriate feeding and care in early life.  Stunting stops children to reach their physical and cognitive potential

Underweight: It is defined as low weight for age. It can cause both wasting and stunting in children.

Micro nutrient deficiency: It is defined as the deficiency of essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins in the body such as enzymes, hormones, and other substances required for growth and development of the children.

Who Are Malnourished?

Only hungry people are not malnourished. It is about more than hunger. We think skiny people, who are suffering from lack of food. But it is not the complete phase of malnourishment. People who looks healthy, overweight, obese can also be malnourished. As we talked, malnutrition is not just about physical appearance, a overweight person who has lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins in his body will also considered as malnourished. 

According to FAO estimate, The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the world 2020 report, out of total 189.2 million people that is almost 14% population of India is malnourished and as per 2019 report, almost 20 crore of Indians sleep empty stomach everyday. One of the main cause of malnourishment in India is economic quality that is poverty. 

Steps To Avoid Malnutrition

  • Balance and appropriate quantity of nutrients, minerals and vitamins
  • Quality and quantity of food should be provided
  • Make sure nutrients, minerals, and vitamins provided are utilizing properly by the body
  • Proper breastfeeding in infants and high protein diet in children and adults
  • Do not eat nutrients, minerals, vitamins which are not absorbed by the body
  • Stay active, don't be a couch potato
Schemes Running By The Government To Conquer Malnutrition

  1. Ration Supply: Government of India is providing ration such as wheat, rice and sugar to people who are financially unstable or not completely able to get proper nutrition. Government provides ration at cheaper rate as compared to market price to such people. And help them to get food.
  2. Mid Day Meal: Government of some states run mid day meal scheme in schools. Children of primary classes get food daily in the school. This not only decreases the rate of malnutrition among school going children but also increases the rate of school going children.
  3. Government also provides vitamin capsules in the schools to avoid deficiency of essential minerals, vitamins etc.

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