Health Equity

  Most of the people think that equality and equity are same things. While Equality is providing things equal to everyone whereas equity is providing things to people according to their needs. If we think, everyone has its different need on the basis of sex, ethnicity, ability, socially, economically or by other dimensions of inequality. Either it is about wages or health necessities everyone has its special needs.

Like if we talk about woman the hormones she needs to reproduce are estrogen, progesterone etc., thus, she need food promotes the secretion of such hormones, while such food items are totally waste for a man. Thus, if we are talking about health equity either on the basis of income, social or sexuality, everyone should be provided with requirements according to their economic, social  and sexual needs. As we have discussed earlier, health is a state of social, physical and mental well being. 

  • Health Equity On The Basis Of Their Income
Government provide some basic facilities to people who are financially unable to pay for such privileges. To those government provides ration, free supply of water through government hand pumps and free of cost treatment in the hospitals are some facilities which are important for financially unstable people to keep him and his family healthy. But providing the same to a person who is financially stable but taking all this facilities just by making the false documentation is not a good thing.

  • Health Equity On The Basis Of Social Conditions
Everyone has its different social needs for example

1. Social needs of an child

  • Some friends to play, and
  • A playground
  • School to study
  • Clean and safe environment
Are some needs of a children

2. Social needs of an adult

  • A place to work, and 
  • A team to work with
  • A good society to live
Are some needs of an adult

3. Social needs of an elder

  • Clean and peaceful places
  • Happy environment
  • Friends
Are some needs of an elder person

As we saw above people of different age groups have different needs and for their health conditions should be provided according to their needs. 

  • Health On The Basis Of Mental Health
One thing which is common for everyone for a good mental health is good and happy atmosphere.

  1. For a child
  • Attention
  • Love 
  • Care
  • Good atmosphere in school and friend circle
     2. For an adult
  • Good working atmosphere
  • Respect in society
  • Happy family
     3. For an elder

  • Care
  • Love 
  • Good atmosphere
People also have different social needs. Having a good working environment will not be good for a child or an elder because it is not their needs.

  • Health Equity On The Basis Of Sexuality
1. For females

  • Diet
  1. Food which promotes growth of female hormones
  2. Citrus rich fruits as they helps to maintain vaginal health
  3. Vegetables and fruits which promote formation of blood as females have to suffer blood loss during menstruation
  • Environment
  1. Females need safer environment comparatively either it is in working place or in society
  2. Humiliation on the basis of sex, color, or size should be avoided
      2. For Males

  • Diet
  1. Need food which promotes growth of male hormones
  2. Dairy products
  3. Food which helps in promoting masculine character
  • Environment
  1. Men also needs safer environment as they can also be sexually abused

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