Article on Drugs Addicted youth

Drugs Addicted youths


It is a chemical substance such as heroin and cocaine etc. 
It is causes of many problems at peak level 

Drugs Addiction 

  • It is also called substance use disorder.
  •  Drug addiction is a disease the effect of person brain and behaviour and leaves to enable to control the use of legal or illegal drug or medicines.
  •  Drugs addiction has been a worldwide problem, especially in teenager many young people become dependent on anything that come hand-in-hand with Narcotic effects. 
  • Drugs addiction is a such problems that can gradually ruin the whole country.
  •  In today's time most of the youth are drug addict which are the future of the our country .

Causes of drug addiction youths

  1. Development change 
  2. Peer pressure
  3.  Availability and access to drugs
  4.  Depression
  5. Poor for self confidence
  6.  Curiosity 

 1.  Peer pressure

  • Peer pressure on influence is when you do something because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends.
  •  Peer influence can be positive or negative 

The causes of Peer pressure included 

The need to fit in, low self-esteem fear of rejection and at most time the need to feel safety and security from peers
 Prevention from Peer pressure
  1.  Be firm when saying no to pressure and drug 
  2. Related the statistics 
  3. Avoid situation where you migh be tempted 
  4. Bring along Sobar buddy 


  •  Many teenagers being experimenting with drug and alcohol simply because they are curious and want to know it feel like.
  •  As teenager, they have that delusion that they are invincible.
  •  when they consume drugs once in Curiocity then slowly they get addicted to the drugs .
Bad company is also cause of drugs addiction .


  •  The symptom of depression can drive some people towards the substance use to cope with their condition 
  • However ,consuming drugs or alcohol to self medicate depression symptoms can increase the risk for addition .
  • There are many pressure on the youth of today,due to which they go into depression the consume drugs.

 Effect of drug addiction

  1.  Behaviour problem 
  2. Learning problem
  3.  Disease
  4.  Brain damage
  5.  Loss of coordination
  6.  Loss of money

Behaviour problem 

  • Teenagers and who abused drugs have an increased risks of social problem depression suicidal thought and violence .
  • Teenagers who abuse drugs are more likely than teenager who don't abuse drugs to engage  in delingent behaviour such as fighting and steaking. 

Learning problem

  •  Drug abuse damage short term and long term memory can lead to problems with learning and memory later in life.


  • Teenagers who abuse drugs with needle e increased their risk of blood - borne disease like HIV, AIDS and hepatitis etc. 
  •  People who abused drugs can have many other disease such as those related to heart, brain and liver .

Brain damage 

  • Drugs abuse among teenagers can result in serious mental disorder or permanent,  Irreversible damage to brain and nervous system.
  •  Brain damage among teenager who abuse drugs include brain shrinkage, Impaired  learning abilities memory problem etc..

Effects of drugs addiction on youth 

  • Youth of often experiment with the variety of activities and substance. This experimentation can lead to substance abuse and addiction .
  • Statistics show that drug abuse is a growing problem among youth.
  •  The negative effects of youth substance abuse can interfere with these these years processes at exactly the wrong time .
  • Immune system of youth is badly affected by drugs. 
  • The addiction of drugs leave adverse effect on the mind and body of an addict it is a type of brain disease, regular consumption of drug disrupts  the proper functioning of brain .
  • A regular user of drug loses the efficiency of working. one who is drug addict cannot fulfill his or her responsibilities in good manner.
  •  The personal health of an individual is entirely lost when he and she becomes a drug addiction one who consumes drugs often experience anxiety,  depression , fatigue , headache and sweating etc. 

 Effects of Drugs addiction on social life.

  • Long term drug or alcohol use and addiction also can affect your ability to socialize.
  •  Someone who is doing drugs likely has  has relationship that are suffering because of it hurting most the people who loves them.
  •  The social impact of alcohol and other drugs used our pervasive,  and include camming criminal activities and engagement with the criminal justice system with victimization  and Road trauma.
Signs of drugs addict
  • The most vived sign of a drug addict are red eyes increased heart rate at nexity depression and in activity .
  • Changes in personality and behaviour like a lake of motivation , is irritability and agitation .
  •  Change in their daily routine.
  •  Lake of concern for personal hygiene .
  •  Unusual need for money ,financial problem
  •  Shakes, tremor and slurred speech.


1. A avoid Temptation and peer pressure 
  • Develop healthy friendship and relationship by avoiding friend or family member who pressure you to use substance.
2. Provide support.
3. Education and counseling
 4. Awareness should start from home 
5. Parental monitoring and supervisor are critical for drug abuse prevention, Good communication with her children.
6.  Encouragement ,so  children and youth  can build confidence and strong sense of self.
 7. Teaching childrens and youth problem solving skills .
8. supervisor, which help parents recognised developing problem, promote safety, and stay involved.
9.  To avoid bad company. 


  • Drug addiction is one of the gravest issues that our youth are facing these days. it brings a lot of problems in our lives therfore, very possible effort must be made in order to contain this issues forever.


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