Today technology is touching the heights of sky. But few years ago telephones are hardly used by people but now almost everyone is using smartphones, having internet connections and can talk and see anybody, anytime sitting on the any corner of the world. This all is possible just because of technology. One thing which has advantage has a disadvantage too. Now advancement of technology is found in every aspect but today we are going to talk about the digital communication technology, especially about wireless connection.
Earlier, we use wires connected with telephones for communication, but now we can talk to anybody, see them by sitting anywhere in the world. But how this is possible? You have noticed the huge towers standing in your cities, towns etc. This all become possible because of transmission of signal. These towers play major role in transmission of signals in form of radiation.
What Is Radiation?
Radiation is a form of energy which is emitted from a source and travels at the speed of light. Radiation is also known as electromagnetic waves. Radiation is further classified into natural and man made or artificial radiation.
- Natural Radiation are radiation which are emitted from natural source such as radiations came to the earth surface from the sun.
- Man made or artificial radiation which are emitted or generated from man made source such as radiations emitted or received from power plants and satellite respectively.
Effects Of Radiation
Radiation of shorter frequencies are lesser effective than that of higher frequencies. Radiation of higher frequency affects the health of not only humans but also of birds and animals badly. Following are the effects of radiation:
- Results in faster ageing
- Causes skin burn, and even skin cancer
- Damage cells, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
- Higher the exposure to radiation, especially artificial radiation can cause Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
- Also, affects the functioning of brain not only of birds, animals but humans also.
- Decrease thinking capacity and concentration
- Can cause brain tumor also
- Causes anxiety
- Keeping mobile phones near the heart can also cause cardiovascular diseases
- Minimal exposure to radiation
- Maintain distance from the sources emitting high frequency radiation
- Avoid using too much radiation emitting objects
- If you have to stay in contact with radiation emitting objects use proper shielding
- Mobile phones radiation is a major cause of radiation related problems, to avoid such problems you should follow the below listed steps:
- Avoid long time calls
- Use speaker mode or wired headset instead of holding mobile phone on ear
- Switch the side of head while talking on the phone
- Try to text more