Environment and Health

    When we talk about health problems the first thing came to our mind is atmosphere. We say most of the health problems are caused due to unhealthy environment for which pollution is the root cause of degrading environment. 

What Is Pollution?

Pollution is anything which is unwanted, unhygienic and toxic for environment as well as living beings.

Causes of Pollution

It is like "you reap, what you sow"..... It is just like a chain system, pollution is directly related to humans. First of all we utilities resources and throw the remaining waste in the environment without properly composting it. Then it pollutes the environment, fed bacteria, provide shelter to insects mainly mosquitoes and then thy effect and infect us and our health. 

Effects of Pollution

Pollution is increasing day by day and different forms of pollution leads to different types of diseases. 

1. The waste we collect or throw on the land causes land pollution. This form of pollution provide shelter to insects such as mosquitoes which further became a spread cause of diseases such as malaria, dengue etc. 

2. The waste we throw in rivers, lakes and other water bodies causes water pollution due to which mineral content of water decrease and it became unsafe, unhygienic for consumption of humans as well as aquatic and terrestrial animals.

3. The smoke released by vehicles and industries in the air pollution as a result of which respiratory, cardiac diseases are spreading and sometimes anxiety also.  Now a days, diseases spread due to air pollution are common as we all are breathing in a polluted air which contains harmful particles. 


1. Avoid throwing waste anywhere neither on the land nor in the water, and composite it properly

2. Instead of throwing animal waste here and there use it as a fuel

3. Try to use public transport and car pooling to avoid air pollution

4. Remove factories which are running without license, proper permission and not following the guidelines properly

5. Clean your own pollution by yourself

6. Plant more trees, they are very useful for us. Plants takes carbon dioxide and many dangerous gases and provides fresh air, purifies water under land, resist soil erosion etc.

7. Off your engine on red light. As our chief minister says 'Red light on, Engine off' to avoid air pollution.

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