Article on what does youth of India want

 Topic : What does youth of India want 

Youth : The time o of life when one is young especially


 The period between childhood and maturity.

 The youth population in India 2021 

  • Current predictions suggest a steady increase in the youth population 464 million by 2021 .
  • By 2022, India is set to become the world's youngest country with 64% of its population in the working age group .

The role of youth in India 

  • Almost 34% of the Indian population consists of youth .
  • They have the power to change the nationa.
  • The young mind will be more fresh and innovation which help in the progress of country.
  •  Youth are the most important and dynamics segment of the population in any country .
  • It is believed that developing countries with large youth population could see tremendous growth, provided they invest in young people's education,Health and protect and graduate their rights .

The role of youth in society

  •  Youth is the future of society 
  • The young generation simply need to renew ,refresh and maintain the current status of society .
  • When the youth contribute his ideas and energy to resolve social issues, he becomes a capable leader and can also make a difference in the lives of others.

Our youth facing many problems 

 Main problem of youth

  1.  Educational problem 
  2. Unemployment 
  3. Child labour
  4.  Drug addiction 
  5. Depression and suicide 
  6. Parental pressure
  7.  Decision making 
  8. Time management 
  9. Media influences

Educational Problems :

  • Education is a Priority and everyone's birthright and access to Equality education is a fundamental needed today .
  • it is also declared compulsory by Islam.


  • Economic Disparties 
  • Poverty 
  • Less fund allocation 
  • Powerful feadal system in villages and poor areas .


  • Proper funding's for schools.
  •  Development of proper strategies .
  • English language course for students .

Drug addiction 

  • The habitual taking of illegal druges .
  • 25% of youth population is affected 
Two type of drugs
  1. Pharmaceutical 
  2. Recreational 


  1. Curiosity 
  2. Depression 
  3. Poor self confidence 
  4. Anger

 Effect on youth

  1.  Heart and lung diseases 
  2. Poor judgement 
  3. Loss of coordination 
  4. Memory loss 
Preventions :
  1.  Avoid undue Peer pressure 
  2. Education and counseling 
  3. Established rehabilitation centres .
  4. Awareness should start from home.

 Decision making 

It is also an important problem among youth sometime, we cannot take proper decision because of:
  •  Adoption of trend set by society
  •  Taking decisions in atmosphere of stress.
  •  Emotional involvement.
 Our decisions have an influence on our future,so we should take them calmly .

Suggestion for making right decision 

  • Be practical 
  • Do not follow trends
  •  Focus on goal 
  • Be patient and face difficulties.

 Time management  :

  •  Nowadays many young people face the problem of time management .
  • It is because they spend most of their time in unnecessary activities .

As a result :
  • Students continuously postpone their studies.
  •  There are  less time available for co-curricular activities.
 Time management tips :
  • Set goals correctly 
  • Take breaks between tasks 
  • Organize yourself
  •  Remove non essential tasks
  • Set a time limit 
Our youth face these all problem and do not get the solution of this problem and at the right time, due to these reasons they are not able to be successful in his life.they do not achieve anything in her life.
 Because of this reason many youth are unemployed, this affectS the economy of our country and it increases the unemployment rate of our country.

The Percent of unemployment youth in India 

The country's youth unemployment rate has risen rapidly in the last four years from in 15.66 percent in 2016-17 to 2.8.26 percentage in 2020-21

So, Our youth want 

Adequate opportunities

The most common but still unabbressed problem is unemployment, not only finding its new roots but also garnishing its older roots and the mismatch between the demand and supply for work force is further aggravating the situation .

Reforms in society

  •  They aspire for more freedom and so, that issues pertaining to honour killing, be addressed.
  • They want that the societal derogatory practice be elimited and Society be made reformist .

Educational reforms

  •  The youth demand for innovative and Research based learning and not just route-based learning.
  •  Possible solution for youth 

  1. The role of labour market policy and institution.

  •  The role of labour market policy and institution varies a lot from countries to countries .
  • here is a brief account of key propositious  recently elaborated to facilitate access to employment for youth .

          2. Entrepreneurship 

  • It is an important as it has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneur but also for related business.
  • Entrepreneurs also help drive change with innovation, where new and improved products enable new market to be developed .


  •  It being concluded that there are problems that we being  a youth have to face problems but the solution are available along with problems.
  •  All we need to do it to have stamina and patients to handle them.
  • It also depend depend on youth how they face, accept them and how they handle them.

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