Adolescent Health

    As we know India is a country of youth and according to a study, around 62.5% of India's total population is in working age between 15 and 59 years and 35.3% of its total population of the country is in the age group of 0-15 years. That means large population of India is in adolescent age. But the main consequence we are facing is lack of knowledge because of which they have to face many problems. As they are unaware of what is physically, mentally and emotionally happening and going to happen with them?

What Is Adolescence?

 Adolescence is a phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from age 10 to 20 years. It is the most important stage of development of physical, mental and emotional growth. This age is commonly known as teenage and children who are going through it are teenagers. During is stage of life, teenagers are attain puberty and move towards attaining adulthood.

Stages of Adolescence

 Adolescence is roughly divided into three stages:

1. Early adolescence  (10-14 years)

In this stage the child experience some hormonal and physical changes. For example, growth of facial hair, erection of penis in boys and increment in breast size, beginning of menstrual cycle in girls and growth of pubic hairs in both.

2. Middle adolescence (15-17 years)

In this age teenagers are little bit familiar with physical changes, but become very sensitive and conscious specially about their physical appearance, due to which they become aggressive, annoying and irritated.

3. Late adolescence (18-20 years) 

It is the last stage of adolescence in this age, teenagers become little bit mature and are able to understand and tackle out day to day problems.

Adolescent Health

 A person becomes what he has faced and experienced in his childhood and teenage. Thus proper taking care and looking after the child is necessary. Adolescent health refers to the proper physical, mental and emotional up bringing of teenager.

Importance Of Adolescent Health

  • Adolescent health plays an important role in behavior of a person. If a teenager is properly looked after by its parents or guardian he will be able to stay positive and avoid bad company instead of spoiling his life due to lack of knowledge.
  • Providing Sex education is a major part in proper upbringing of a teenager, because due to lack of sex education teenagers especially boys become more violent and sexually abusive to others.
  • Also they take some steps which are not good for their physical as well as mental health
Symptoms Of Bad Adolescent Health

  • Violent and abusive behavior toward others
  • Addiction of alcohol, drugs or other tyoes of intoxicate
  • Change in diet and sleep cycle
  • Always aggressive, irritated and annoyed mood
  • Extremely sensitive behavior
  • Over thinking 

How To Deal The Situation

  • Sex education should be provided by schools, parents and guardian
  • Friendly behavior or parents and peers
  • Avoiding stressful, violent and abusive situations in front of teenagers
  • Keep them aloof of bad company
  • Proper diet and sleep cycle
  • And last but not least, happy and positive atmosphere.

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